When you were a kid, did you ever have one of those punching bags that looked like a clown? Everytime you punched it down to the ground it would pop back up and sometimes punch you right back? Or maybe you were the "weebles wobble but they don't fall down" generation. I am not scientific enough to figure out the simple mechcanics of how the weebles and that clown keep bopping back up.
They just do.
When I lived in this house the first time, I put up a saying on the kitchen wall just next to the front door: "Fall seven times, stand up eight." It reminded me every time I left the house that no matter what happens "out there" I needed to get back up.
Then I left to follow a dream.
When I moved back into the house I was pleasantly surprised to find the saying still next to the back door. Like an old friend, waiting for me.
Fall Seven Times.
Stand Up Eight.
Its not the number of times you fall, its the number of times you stand back up.
I think there is a missing component to this bit of philosophy: Keep Moving Forward.
Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight, Keep Moving Forward.
I wonder how I can add it to the wall?
After six months of "falling" its getting harder to stand-up..