Friday, January 30, 2015


Sometimes the one person you need is your sister. Since that isn't practical, probable or even just a teensy bit possible in this lifetime the next best thing for today is tulips in a hand blown glass specially made one weird summer spent traveling with her daughter.

Tulips in glass. And it is January in Minnesota.

It boggles the mind. Which is good as now a days all my mind is boggled. Up is down left is right red is 4 to 10-3E and I must be unconsciously holding my breath because I have found myself gasping for air which I try and turn into a cough and people are beginning to question whether I have a cold. A cold? No. Not a cold. I wish it were a cold. That I know with certainty I can recover from- a cold.

The absurdity makes me smile. Almost laugh. Like looking at tulips attempting to bloom in an orange speckled glass in my Minnesota kitchen in the middle of winter.

Yes. I am smiling now. It feels good. Smiling. At least that is my 2 cents today.