Saturday, March 22, 2014

Double Nickels

There is a song running on several stations these days about today being the best day of my life...truth. Every day is another "best day" of my life, even if I get splattered by mud, an appliance breaks, someone I love dies (well, ok that is rough). Still, all in all, every morning is a best day of my life.

For some there are "special days" in their lives that are better including birthdays -- 13, 18, 21, 30...

As I age I find I am less passionate about things I am "SUPPOSED" to like, or "SHOULD" like all to "better" myself. I suppose I am about as "better" as I care to be...for now. Whatever else I feel I WANT to "better" myself, I will choose. All that other stuff? Pffft!

55 Things I Leave Behind

55. Eggplant. I tried it over and over, willing myself to like it. It sounds great Egg+ Plant. It has a cool color and everyone I know adores it. Yet, it is just slimy yuck. Adios, Eggplant!
56. Modern Art (some folks I know have now tuned out). Ok I have REALLY REALLY tried to "get" Modern Art. A pile of white crushed rock, a shadow box of broken toys, a canvas with stripes of differing color...well, you get the idea. No more pouring over books, plopping myself down on a bench of front of a canvas painted GRAY and willing myself to find something anything to relate to so it becomes Art. Modern Art -- Ciao!
54. Classical Music (another portion of readers has now exited the blog!). Well, most Classical Music. I do find there are times I enjoy Vivaldi and Chopin. But those sonatas that all seem to sound alike except for a few "minor" (pun intended) chord changes? Bleck. No more steeling myself to turn on the radio, find the classical music station and listen all the way to work, taking note of each...well, note. Sure, I found SOME pieces pretty cool, but to tune into and listen to all day? Nope. I need more Variety -- mix it up folks: Ragtime, Folk, Blues, Rock...then maybe a New Age or Classical to sum it all up. Today I find a new channel to "set" in my car -- auf weidersehn Classical Music!
53. Following the "rules of making lists" -- really, do you think I have time in my life to job down 55 things I will leave behind? Do you really imagine there are only 55?? Is there a "List Police" ensuring we go from 1-10 or 10-1.  Skipping right along...
*  *  *
7. Dusty Dreams. Now, ya'll know I am a HUGE believer of following one's dreams and if half-way there (sooner or later) its not for you, jump to the next moving path and follow that Dream. Still, there is truth in the phrase "If you follow all your dreams you will end-up lost." So, I suppose this would be "Dreams" with a footnote. But alas "footnoting" is bordering close to things I am leaving behind. Suffice it to say, this past year I purged my life and dream journal of dreams I had jotted down and thought I should follow because it was expected of me. No more! Fewer but more vivid Dreams I say! Despedida!
6. Bad Coffee. Face it, I am a coffee snob. Some folks are wine snobs, fashion snobs or other vice snobs. Only certain shoes, makeup, jewelry, vineyards will do. Me, I am a coffee snob. Good news is that my friends drink great coffee. But no more vending machine coffee. No more gas station or convenience store coffee for me. Either I cart my mini-thermos with Seattle's Best or Eight O'clock or I do without. Bad Coffee? "Adjöss"
5. Sunday New York Times. Now, its true I adore truly adore the Book Review and spreading the paper out, rummaging through it to read interesting bits on a Sunday Morning. But the truth is there is too much paper for a Sunday morning, so I stack it up to read "later in the week" and just end up recycling it all. Except for the Book Review. I'm certain I can find the Book Review at my local library or even online. So, good-bye stacks of New Yorker staring at me all week making me feel guilty for shelling out bucks on unread materials! 再见
4. Golf. Trivial? Silly you say? Well, the PR for this sport is "deals are made during Golf" and "Golfing is a corporate bonding experience." Really? I tried it. About killed some folks and ticked off others. I tried watching it on TV (paint drying can be exciting it seems). Nope. I am not a Golfer. A "duffer" or one who enjoys wacking a pitted ball and praying it doesn't hit someone. No more Golf. Scratch that off the list of "edification" goals! Give me baseball. While I'm in the sports category lets just put it all out there: Farvel    Golf, Jai Lai, NASCAR, Log Rolling, Sumo Wrestling, Boxing, Truck Pulls, Flag football, "powderpuff" (really??), skiing, ice skating. All of ya'll? Farvel!
3. Bullies. Did you know adults are bullied as badly as kids? Yep. Thing is as an adult AND an attorney I have some tools at my disposal (nothing in the violence vein or illegal realm, trust me) to deal with bullies. Bully me? Hah! Bullies Ćao!
2. High Heels - in the spirit of truthfulness, all shoes with any type of heel (I said shoes not workboots!) greater than 1/2 inch. How do people walk on the front 1/3 or less of their feet...for more than a few seconds? I am putting all that fits in the category and hauling it to Salvation Army. While I don't want to encourage "tipsy toe" walking (ballet dancer exemption - but really, toe dancing?)...while I don't encourage walking such that your back aches, your calves ache and all because society says it makes you look great...there are folks out there who insist on wearing that type of shoes. So, to the donation bin you lovely but cruel shoes -- Daag

1. Did you really think I'd put down for all to see the #1 thing I am leaving behind? Hah!

Good-bye to all that is painful, cluttering my enjoyment of life and obscuring my view of a beautiful world!


1 comment:

Kali said...

How did I miss this post?! Love, love, loved it. Seize the day and clear out all the unnecessary "clutter". Well done dear cousin. Well done.