Monday, December 29, 2014

A Bridge

Today I was cleaning out a ton of old emails and Facebook posts. Some from 2009...I found myself stopping to read a few. Like stills from old movies and whispers from old books my life poured out of those digital posts and emails. 

My birthday event at the Anderson...complete with bowls of oranges, cupcakes, quilt blocks for family and friends. Traveling to California, Washington and Oklahoma to checkout law schools. I was amazed at how many posts I had about the matter what state I was living or visiting there was the wind. 

Faces of my Dad still cause my breath to still. Reading of how hard life was in law school, it amazed me how much I wrote of living the dream even as I can still recall the deep and aching loneliness of those years. And the pride of graduating and being sworn in...and the fear of never finding an employer and becoming homeless.

The numerous posts of sitting on my beloved front porch. The home that for a time seemed to have an endless supply of bats and mice! The photos of the best mouser...and her last day on earth. It rained. She so loved the rain.

Even in the hardest times of my life over the past 6 years - death, cancer, poverty and the fear of winged beasts and dank basements - my words and pictures shared one underlying hum: Hope.

Happy New Year.

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