Friday, June 21, 2013

A bad day of fishing -(don't sue)

I AM an attorney.

Because of that, I am different than 99% of the world. I refuse to apologize for it. It is me. It is who I am. Like being a woman. A cancer survivor. A believer in God. Someone who prefers cold weather over hot. Coffee over tea. Baseball over Basketball. Comfortable silence over small talk. Orange over Pink.  Some things about me I chose. Some things I didn't. But all of it makes up ME.

Bottom line: being an attorney is like my freckles. Only removed with pain.

The world is not made-up of lawyers.  Only 1% of the nation's working force are attorneys.

In law school that sounded awesome -- What you forget is that the other 99% are NOT attorneys. They do not see great value in a reasoned, logical answer. Don't want to debate points or other viewpoints if the reference is THE LAW. Hey! Aren't loopholes there so we CAN cheat the system? Nope. Really. Nope.

And whatever you do, refrain from using the "A" word amongst that other 99%.

If you let others know you are an attorney, they will begin quizzing you. None of your answers are right. If I refuse to play along or take their case it is worse. Be prepared to be mocked, ridiculed and teased.

Even people who love me feel the need to joke about who I am -- "ASK THE LAWYER" har har har. How many lawyers does it take... What is the difference between a lawyer and snake? How many attorneys make it to heaven?   (It turns out I may be the first if their sources are correct.)

It is much worse if you work where there aren't any other attorneys. 

Maybe its a process -- adjusting back to the "real world."  Maybe I will learn to "dim it down", this lawyering part of me.

Or maybe, as it was put to me the other day, I should find a job where I can be with "my own kind." Now, doesn't that phrase just smack of a lawsuit waiting to happen?  Sadly, it is not a suit worthy case. Being an attorney is not a "protected class" under the law.  Heck, attorneys make the law, how did we miss that one?

I am an attorney. It is what I always wanted to be and on those days I leave the paying job and volunteer as an Attorney?  Well, it's like that phrase "a bad day of fishing beats any day at work" -  

A bad day of lawyering beats any day doing any other job.

At least, that is my 2¢.

This has been a long rambling, whining, pity party to prepare you for this announcement: I'm looking for a new job.

Someone revive Aunt Valda and tell her I'm still gainfully employed, just looking with intensity and fierceness is all. For reasons that fall into "none of your business" I am not hanging up my shingle...yet. And I promise to play nice with the other 99% at work until I have a firm offer. (pun not intended but well done!).

It will be a cut in pay.
There may be a very long commute.
There will have to be sacrifices to the budget. (good-bye cable, baseball tickets, new car plans, new cell phone, new roof and traveling)
There is a chance I will have to move out of Red Wing.

And I will be very very very very okay with it...because, I will be practicing law.

I am an attorney.

Get used to it. (heaven knows I'm trying)

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